Our aim is to provide an array of fun, engaging and memorable activities in a safe, friendly and caring environment.
We aim to offer an extensive range of pre-bookable arts & craft sessions suitable for children of all ages. All required materials will be supplied and included in the cost of the session you wish to take part in, ensuring your child leaves us with a beautiful handmade creation.
Our sessions will be run throughout the week at various times, please see our book schedule for a full listing.
We will also be running a Saturday morning club to coincide with the local Heckington JFC training sessions to help keep the players siblings entertained (and warm) during those cold mornings. These sessions are open to everyone, not just the families of the HJFC team.
We also aim to start offering after school clubs, providing a range of activities, once all the children return to school after the summer holidays, check back in on us for more information closer to the time.
As well as the above sessions, we will be introducing term-time activities for the younger children and parents to come along and enjoy some quality time together. These will range from messy play groups to soft play and a Little Explores club. Full details on these will follow soon.
If you have any questions, or would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on our Facebook Page, we look forward to hearing from you!
For all clubs and classes, please look at the calendar below.
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